One of Australia's favourite subtropical fruits

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The lychee (Litchi chinensis) is a subtropical fruit. It is oval to round in shape and about the size of a walnut. Its thin, red bumpy skin is easily peeled to reveal a white, juicy, translucent ball of firm jelly-like flesh that surrounds a shiny brown seed.


Lychees are berries and are produced on tropical evergreen trees. The trees are attractive with shiny, leathery green leaves and long sprays of green, white or yellow flowers. After a few months, the sprays of flowers become bunches of fruit.

picking couple

Once ripe, the bunches of fruit are harvested by hand.

Grading Line

After harvest, fruit are graded and packed, ready for delivery.

Originating from South China in approximately 1700 BC, the lychee is often called the 'king of fruits'.

The lychee (Litchi chinensis) is a subtropical fruit. It is oval to round in shape and about the size of a walnut. Its thin, red bumpy skin is easily peeled to reveal a white, juicy, translucent ball of firm jelly-like flesh that surrounds a shiny brown seed.

The flesh is sweet and delicately flavoured with a texture similar to a grape. Their popularity has seen them spread worldwide for commercial cultivation.

They were introduced into Australia in the 1870s by Chinese gold seekers. It is Chinese tradition to offer lychees as a Lunar New Year good-luck charm because they are considered a symbol of romance.

Longest season

Australia has the longest lychee production season in the world producing fruit from late October to late March. Lychee growing regions in Australia include tropical Far North Queensland, Central Queensland, South East Queensland and Northern NSW.

 Popular lychee varieties



Very early season fruiting variety, producing medium red/orange sized fruit on upright tree. Stores well and has a good shelf life.



A classic lychee with a bright red skin and large seed.Available from December to January but are in limited supply.



Later season fruiting variety, producing medium to large red sized fruit on a dome shaped tree. Fruit will hold on tree for longer before picking.

Erdon Lee

Erdon Lee

Mid to late season fruiting variety, producing large dark red sized fruit on medium to large tree with sprawling branches. Skin is wrinkly & textured.

Fay Zee Siu

Fay Zee Siu

A large fruit with a sweet taste that is picked with some green mottling on the skin.Available from November to December, it is extremely difficult to get commercial crops on a regular basis.



A relatively new variety that is in limited supply. It is a large red fruit with a small seed.Available from November to December.

Kwai May Pink (B3)

Kwai May Pink (B3)

A great eating lychee developed in Australia with a small to medium seed.Available from late November to February, they have a red skin with a slight orange hue and tend to be more round.

Lin San Sue

Lin San Sue

Mid season fruiting variety, producing pink skinned medium sized fruit with a medium to small seed.

Red Ball

Red Ball

Mid season fruiting variety, producing large red fruit on a fast growing dome shaped tree. Fruit has a relatively small seed.

Sah Keng

This is a Thai variety that is a good eating fruit. It is also large and red with a smallish seed.Available from December to January.



Developed in Australia, they are bright red with a smooth skin but are small with a very small seed.Available from December to January.

San Sue Lin

San Sue Lin

Mid season fruiting variety, producing pink skinned medium sized fruit with a small seed.

Shuang Balia

Shuang Balia

An early season fruiting variety, producing deep red fruit with a small seed.

Souey Tung

Souey Tung

This is the first variety of lychee to be cultivated in Australia. It is becoming more readily available.Available from October to November.

Sue Lin San

Sue Lin San

New variety, producing medium sized pale red seedless fruit.

Tai So

Tai So

A pretty red colour when ripe, they are a lovely eating fruit with a similar taste to B3.Available from mid November to mid January.

Wai Chee

Wai Chee

Fruit has a deep red colour with a smooth thin skin. The fruit is round in shape and the size will vary as the fruit matures. The flesh is sweet and juicy with a good flavour. A late fruiting variety that grows in South-East Qld and NSW.

