Many of you have been raising concerns about HARPs (the new harmonised food safety scheme ) over the last few months. Along with other industry organisations, Growcom has placed significant pressure on Hort Innovation to fund workshops to address your questions and concerns. The HARPs team are doing a roadshow in March and April with a number of Queensland workshops scheduled. In particular we requested two extra workshops be added to the program – one to be held in Brisbane at 10am on the 21/03 and the other in Gatton on the 22/03 to ensure that growers from around SEQ could attend the workshops.
Workshop dates
Bowen – 20/03 – 11.30-1.30
Brisbane x 2 – 21/03 – 9-10 &10-11
Bundaberg – 21/03 – 16.00-18.00
Gatton – 22/03 - 12.30-14.30
Mareeba 11/04 – 12.00 – 14.00
South Johnstone 11/04 – 16.30-18.30
Please click on the following link for full information and to register:
The workshop will cover:
– What is HARPS?
– If your business requires HARPS approval?
– How to implement HARPS?
– How to register your interest in HARPS and the timelines?
– Where you can get additional support and guidance?